Are you looking for a letter H printable for your preschool letter of the week? These letter H do a dot printable pages are perfect for helping children learn about the letter H. These letter H free printable do a dot pages come in eight different versions including both color and black and white options, as well as worksheets that have a handwriting practice area and ones that don’t.
Before we get to the free letter H do a dot printable download, let’s look at some fun ways you can use these letter H printable worksheets.

Letter H Do a Dot Printable Pages
Do a dot printable pages are a great type of worksheet for kids that is versatile and fun. You can use them in multiple different ways (beyond just dot markers) to teach letter formation in a hands on and tactile way for preschoolers and young children.
In this post I’ll share with you several different ways that you can use these letter H do a dot printable pages, but keep in mind that you can use them in a lot of other ways too. Browse around my other do a dot printable pages for more inspiration and ideas.
After I share a few ideas with you, you can grab the letter H printable dot pages at the bottom of this post.
Letter H Printable With Dot Markers
First let’s look at how you can use the letter H do a dot pages with dot markers. In my experience most kids love dot markers and have a lot of fun with them. They might seem a little boring, but trust me, kids love them.
Doing the letter H dot pages with dot markers helps kids to strengthen their hands, practice their coordination (getting the dot just inside the circle) and re-enforcing one-to-one correspondence.
I also have included a black and white version that you can use to have your child color (if they like coloring) and then use the dot markers.
Letter H Printable As a Worksheet
Another way that you can use these letter H printables is as a whole worksheet. If you need them to have something to do independently or if you need a worksheet to go with your letter H unit, then these would work great for that.
To use the letter H do a dot pages as a full worksheet just print out the black and white version with tracing (uppercase or lowercase). Then have them color the page, fill in the dots as desired (with dot stickers, fun shaped stickers, dot markers, or just color), and then trace the word included on the page.
As a worksheet, the letter H do a dot pages are great for teaching independent work, helping them practice sitting still, as well as all the other skills that are learned as they complete the page (coloring, stickers, dot markers, tracing, etc.)
Letter H Printable With Multiple Manipulatives
If you’d prefer to have your child practice some fine motor skills, then using the letter H printable as a center mat with multiple manipulatives is a great choice.
You can choose any type of manipulative that your child enjoys using: magnets, pom poms, bingo chips, unifix cubes, play dough, mini erasers, etc. Or use a combination like I’ve done below, which can be a great tactile experience for kids.
Using a combination of 2-4 different manipulatives with the letter H do a dot printable pages is also a great way to incorporate teaching patterns. Have them alternate the manipulatives in a specific pattern as they fill in the page for some extra math skills practice.
Letter H Printable With Heart Shaped Gems
I always love to pull out any kind of themed manipulatives, like these heart shaped gems I used for this letter H dot page. They’re cute and kids love when the manipulatives they use are on theme so they fit perfectly with the heart worksheet.
If you’re doing one of my other do a dot printable pages, you can choose other manipulatives that are on theme. Some ideas would be: mini erasers, shaped gems, buttons, etc.
In the case of the heart gems for this letter H printable page they can also be another great opportunity to teach patterns if you have multiple colors like with these hearts.
Grab The Letter H Free Printable Do a Dot Pages
Now you have some great ideas for how to use these fun and versatile letter H do a dot printable pages. Remember to keep it creative and fun for your child and they will absolutely enjoy learning about the letter H with these worksheets.
You can download the letter H do a dot printable pages by clicking the button below. Then you can print them out, laminate them (if desired) and enjoy teaching your preschooler about the letter H!
Looking for more ideas on how to teach the letter H? Have a look at my other letter H printables and resources available here.
Need alphabet do a dot printables for other letters? You can view the previous letter G printable dot pages here, and the next letter I printable dot pages here. Or view all the do a dot pages here.