If you’re working on planning out a letter T homeschool week for your preschooler then you’ll find this list of things that start with T for preschool and other kids can really help you in your homeschool planning.
Having a handy list of T words for kids is great for not only homeschool planning but for other things too, like for finding ideas for show and tell letter T activities at school.

“T is for …” activities and ideas you can use this list with
How can you use this list of words that start with T for kids? Well there are actually a lot of great ways that you’ll find this list useful and a lot of ways to use it as you plan out your letter of the week program. Here are just a few ideas:
- Put together a Montessori inspired alphabet sensory bag featuring some of these T words for kids.
- Know what kinds of letter T books to look for that feature some things that start with T in the title or subject.
- Use flashcards and matching miniature objects that feature some words that start with T for kids.
- Find toys that start with T that you can have your child play with during your homeschool letter of the week or use in a letter T show and tell.
These are just a few ideas for how to utilize this list of T words for kids. There are so many other great ways that this list can be useful too. I’m sure you can think of even more ways that this list can help you plan out your “T is for…” activities for homeschool.
Words That Start With T for Kids
Below you’ll find the list of T words for kids. This is an alphabetical list of things that start with T.
At the very bottom of this post you can also find a free printable PDF list of this letter T word list that you can print (and edit if needed).
- Table
- Taco
- Tadpole
- Tag
- Tail
- Tale
- Talk/Talking
- Tall/Taller/Tallest
- Tally/Tally Marks
- Tambourine
- Tanker
- Tank
- Tap/Tapping
- Tapdance
- Tape
- Tape Measure
- Tarantula
- Target
- Tasmanian Devil
- Taxi
- Tea
- Teach/Teaching
- Teacher
- Team
- Teapot
- Tears
- Tech/Technology
- Teddy Bear
- Tee
- Teenager
- Telephone
- Telescope
- Television/TV
- Ten
- Tennessee
- Tennis
- Tennis Racket
- Tent
- Tepee
- Terrier
- Test
- Texas
- Thanksgiving
- Thermometer
- Thin
- Think
- Third
- Thirteen
- Thirty
- Thousand
- Thread
- Three
- Throw
- Thumb
- Thunderstorm
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Tickle
- Tie
- Tie Dye
- Tiger
- Time
- Tinkertoy
- Tiny/Tinier/Tiniest
- Tire
- Toad
- Toadstool Mushroom
- Toaster
- Today
- Toddler
- Toe
- Toenail
- Together
- Toilet
- Tomato
- Tongs
- Tongue
- Tongue Twister
- Tools
- Toolbox
- Tooth/Teeth
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Torch
- Tornado
- Totem Pole
- Toucan
- Touch
- Towel
- Town
- Tow
- Tow Truck
- Toys
- Tracks (from walking)
- Tracks (for a train)
- Tractor
- Traffic
- Traffic Light
- Trail
- Train
- Trampoline
- Transparent
- Trash
- Trash Can
- Treasure
- Treasure Chest
- Tree
- Treehouse
- Triangle (shape)
- Triangle (instrument)
- Tricycle
- Triplets
- Trombone
- Tropical
- Tropics
- Trout
- Truck
- Trumpet
- Trunk (like on an elephant)
- Trunk (of a tree)
- Trunk (to store things)
- Trunk (of a car)
- T-shirt
- Tub
- Tuba
- Tugboat
- Tulip
- Tuna
- Tundra
- Turkey
- Turtle
- Tutu
- Twelve
- Twenty
- Twig
- Twins
- Twist
- Two
- Type
- Typewriter
Things That Start With T Free Printable (Editable PDF)
Download the free printable list of things that start with T below. It’s an alphabetically sorted editable PDF of the list of T words for kids. So you can add, edit, and delete from it if needed.
After you print the list out, pop it into your homeschool planning binder so you can easily reference to it as you plan out your homeschool letter T week.
Can you think of any other words that start with T for kids? Leave a comment below with your ideas. And be sure to share how you’re using this letter T word list to help in your homeschool planning.